New Alitalia will operate with half of the aircraft and workers.

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The new Alitalia will operate with less than half the number of planes and employees it had before its last rescue when the Italian airline begins flying again in April, the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore reported Thursday.

According to its new five-year business plan, the state-owned company, which will be renamed ITA (Italia Trasporto Aereo), will have 5,000 employees compared to 11,000 before the crisis, the newspaper said.

See also: Alitalia has cost taxpayers and creditors $8 billion since 2017.

It will fly some 50 planes, compared to the 104 it had before. Long haul aircraft will be reduced from 26 to six, with a huge drop in intercontinental flight capacity, around 70%.

A source close to the issue said that the board of directors of ITA will probably meet on Friday to approve the plan before sending it to the Italian parliament and the European Commission on Monday for review.

By Maria Pia Quaglia. Additional report by Francesca Landini. Edited by Giulia Segreti and Mark Potter – Reuters.

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