Latam Airlines crew fined in Australia.

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Thirteen crew members on a LATAM Airlines flight each received a violation notice of A$1000 (US$760) for leaving their hotel in Sydney and failing to comply with health regulations, The Age reported.

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Police were called to the hotel after receiving reports of one crew member leaving his accommodation and it was later discovered that 12 others had also not isolated themselves and were attending locations in the city.

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After this incident, the government of New South Wales, state whose capital is Sydney, announced that starting Tuesday, air crews will have to isolate themselves in one of the two hotels run by the police and NSW Health. This is a major change from the current protocol that allows air crews to stay in 25 different hotels that are not subject to infection control or monitoring.

While air crews are not required to isolate themselves for 14 days upon arrival, they must do so until they board their next flight.

Under current rules, a flight crew member must provide contact information before leaving the airport and a written statement that they have not been in contact with a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

They must also state that they have not had any symptoms of COVID-19 in the 72 hours prior to arrival. They are required to self-isolate until the next flight.

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